vitamina B12
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Forum de discutii pe teme de sanatate :: Informatii despre medicamentele chimice, efecte adverse :: Efectele anumitor medicamente
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vitamina B12
Imi prescrie dr de familie acum cateva luni niste vitamina B12 injectabil deoarece imi iesise la analize VEM si HEM putin sub limite.Mi le-a dat gratuit si le-am luat acasa dar nu le-am facut.Aseara am dat peste ele din intamplare si am vazut ca scrie pe ele ciancobalamina.Cian-cobalamina Adica cianura si vitb12?Stiu ca vitamina B12 se mai numeste si cobalamina.Ce Dumnezeu este "cian"?
alexiaiuli- Mesaje : 223
Data de inscriere : 08/06/2010
Varsta : 47
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cian e o componenta din chimie -CN- e o grupare pur si simplu... chimic vorbind ar fi: Structura vitaminei B12 se bazează pe un inel corinic , care are două dintre inelele pirolice legate în mod direct. Atomul de cobalt (Co) este ionul metalic principal. Patru din cele şase legături coordinative sunt furnizate de catre inelele corin-amidice, a cincea de către grupul dimetilbenzimidazol. A şasea legătură coordinativă are o componenţă variabilă , fiind ori un grup ciano (-CN) (ciancobalamina), un grup de hidroxil (OH-) (hidroxocobalamină), un grup de metil (-CH3) (metilcobalamin) sau 5′-dezoxiadenozil (5-dezoxiadenozilcobalamin)....
daca cautati pe google o sa vedeti si cum arata formula chimica.... e doar o denumire.... acum efecte si altele nu le stiu, e vorba doar de chimie ce stiue eu...
daca cautati pe google o sa vedeti si cum arata formula chimica.... e doar o denumire.... acum efecte si altele nu le stiu, e vorba doar de chimie ce stiue eu...
corinaandra- Mesaje : 214
Data de inscriere : 25/11/2009
Varsta : 39
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: vitamina B12
Atat cobaltul (in plus este si radioactiv! ) cat si cianura din vitamina B12 artificiala sunt toxice si nici nu se gaseste in corp o asemenea subsanta. Vitamina B12 artificala este o toxina ca multe alte vitamine artificiale si poate creea probleme mari de piele, psoriazis si alte traznai.
Cand o sa dau de un medicament chimic NETOXIC, care sa faca bine si sa nu face deloc rau, o sa va anunt, momentan nu cunosc nici unul. Totul este o pacaleala pt. cei care cred in ele.
The substance used in the medicine as "Vitamin B12" is actually a dangerous substance since it is a derivate of the original one, it is not identical and it uses a cyanid inside.
They use cyanide in the "purification procedures" of this substance (an excuse to put it there) .
Another form of Vitamin B12 is hydroxocobalamin, produced by bacteria.
Wikipedia : "Like other forms of B12, hydroxocobalamin has an intense red color. It is not a form normally found in the human body, but is easily converted in the body to usable coenzyme forms of B12. Pharmaceutically, hydroxycobalamin is usually produced as a sterile injectable solution, and is used for treatment of the vitamin deficiency, and also (because of its afinity for cyanide ion) as a treatment for cyanide poisoning."
Here is what I found in a forum, a unwanted proving of Vit. B12 (Cyanocobalamin.)
"Anlass ist, dass ein guter Bekannter ein paar Stunden nach der Einnahme von 1 mg Cyanocobalamin (Füllstoff Magnesiumzitrat und Silikondioxid) extrem starke Neurodermitis mit nässenden Ekzemen bekommen hat und nervlich ziemlich angeschlagen war,"
Translation: "a good friend of mine took 1mg Cyanocobalamin (the pill contains also magnesiumcitrat and silicium oxid) and a couple of hourse later he become a strong neurodermitis with wet eczema and his nerves were pretty stricken"
A second proving of Cyanocobalamin from somebody else, from the same forum:
"Ich habe mir eine ganze weile jeden Tag 1 mg Cyanocobalamin i.m. gegeben...
Die erwünschten wirkungen waren, Stimmungsaufhell und nach 1-2 Wochen, massig Appetit (wirklich extrem), Beschleunigung der Regeneration bei Muskelfaserrissen. Die unerwüsnchten Wirkungen waren extreme Akne, so richtig große Pickel hab ich darauf bekommen, es wurde so schlimm da sich das Zeug genau deswegen dnan wieder abgesetzt habe.....
Translation :"I took every day for a while 1 mg Cyanocobalamin (shot in the muscle). The wanted effectes were: better mood and after 1-2 weeks a really big appetite ( extreme), accelaration of the regeneration of torn muscle fibres. The unwanted effects were extreme acnea, really big pimples and it became so bad I had to quit taking this stuff..."
We should also not forget that in the sintetic Vitamin B12 used above not only cobalt itself is something poisoning but also the cyanid used and we have also to remember that there are also many radioactive isotops of cobalt too.
Actually cobalt is one of the most dangerous and poisoning elements exist, can be radioactive and it is used in all kind of products.
Cand o sa dau de un medicament chimic NETOXIC, care sa faca bine si sa nu face deloc rau, o sa va anunt, momentan nu cunosc nici unul. Totul este o pacaleala pt. cei care cred in ele.
The substance used in the medicine as "Vitamin B12" is actually a dangerous substance since it is a derivate of the original one, it is not identical and it uses a cyanid inside.
They use cyanide in the "purification procedures" of this substance (an excuse to put it there) .
Another form of Vitamin B12 is hydroxocobalamin, produced by bacteria.
Wikipedia : "Like other forms of B12, hydroxocobalamin has an intense red color. It is not a form normally found in the human body, but is easily converted in the body to usable coenzyme forms of B12. Pharmaceutically, hydroxycobalamin is usually produced as a sterile injectable solution, and is used for treatment of the vitamin deficiency, and also (because of its afinity for cyanide ion) as a treatment for cyanide poisoning."
Here is what I found in a forum, a unwanted proving of Vit. B12 (Cyanocobalamin.)
"Anlass ist, dass ein guter Bekannter ein paar Stunden nach der Einnahme von 1 mg Cyanocobalamin (Füllstoff Magnesiumzitrat und Silikondioxid) extrem starke Neurodermitis mit nässenden Ekzemen bekommen hat und nervlich ziemlich angeschlagen war,"
Translation: "a good friend of mine took 1mg Cyanocobalamin (the pill contains also magnesiumcitrat and silicium oxid) and a couple of hourse later he become a strong neurodermitis with wet eczema and his nerves were pretty stricken"
A second proving of Cyanocobalamin from somebody else, from the same forum:
"Ich habe mir eine ganze weile jeden Tag 1 mg Cyanocobalamin i.m. gegeben...
Die erwünschten wirkungen waren, Stimmungsaufhell und nach 1-2 Wochen, massig Appetit (wirklich extrem), Beschleunigung der Regeneration bei Muskelfaserrissen. Die unerwüsnchten Wirkungen waren extreme Akne, so richtig große Pickel hab ich darauf bekommen, es wurde so schlimm da sich das Zeug genau deswegen dnan wieder abgesetzt habe.....
Translation :"I took every day for a while 1 mg Cyanocobalamin (shot in the muscle). The wanted effectes were: better mood and after 1-2 weeks a really big appetite ( extreme), accelaration of the regeneration of torn muscle fibres. The unwanted effects were extreme acnea, really big pimples and it became so bad I had to quit taking this stuff..."
We should also not forget that in the sintetic Vitamin B12 used above not only cobalt itself is something poisoning but also the cyanid used and we have also to remember that there are also many radioactive isotops of cobalt too.
Actually cobalt is one of the most dangerous and poisoning elements exist, can be radioactive and it is used in all kind of products.
scarface- Admin
- Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009
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