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Remedii pt. cataracta (engleza)

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Remedii pt. cataracta (engleza) Empty Remedii pt. cataracta (engleza)

Mesaj  scarface Vin Feb 21, 2014 1:15 pm

Cauza la cataracta este dupa Noua medicina germana o frica din cauza unuei pericol aparut pe neasteaptate sau simtit ca atare (atac de la spate de exemplu.
Cand cineva a fost atacat prin suprindere sau a afost luat prin suprindere de un pericol (foc ?, accident ? , atac de inima ? atacat de alta persoana pe la spate ? razboi ? ) sau daca simte acest lucru pentru alta persoana apropiata.

Cineraria maritima CH3 sau 5 pus ca dilutie in ochi ajuta dupa un studiu in 60% din cataracte daca este folosit cateva luni.
Un alt remediu mai general este Calcarea fluorica CH7 luat mai mult timp de 2 ori pe zi.

Brynia alba: Cataract with stitching, tearing pain, pain worse by motion and better by rest, dryness of mucous membranes of the eyes, cataract with glaucoma.

Calcarea carbonica: Cataract with dimness of vision as if looking through a mist, sensitive to light, lachrymation in the early morning and open air.

Calcarea fluorica: Flickering and sparks before eyes; spots on the cornea; cataract with conjunctivitis.

Calcarea iodata: Cataract with lachrymal gland affection; conjunctivitis with enlarged eye lids.

Cannabis sativa: Cataract from nervous disturbances and abuse of alcohol and tobacco; patient feels deeply approaching blindness.

Causticum: Cataract with motor disturbances; inflammation of eyelids, sparks and dark spots before eyes, vision impaired as if film were before eyes.

Conium maculatum: Fear of light and excessive lachrymation; dim vision worse artificial light; sweat on closing eyes.

Euphrasia: Cataract with watering of eyes; acrid discharge from the eyes; cataract with blisters on cornea.

Natrum muriaticum: Cataract of incipient stage; cataract with headache; pain in eyes when looking down; dry mucous membranes of eyes; muscles of the eyes
are weak and stiff pain in eye associated with pain in back of neck 6CH, 12CH, 30CH and higher.

Phosphorus: Cataract with Sensation as if everything covered with a mist or dust; sensation as if something pulled tightly over eyes; green halo about the
candlelight; patient sees well by shading eyes with hand; letters appear red; cataract due to abuse of tobacco.

Pulsatilla Cataract with inflammation of eyes; thick, profuse, yellow discharge; lids inflammed and agglutinated.

Rhus toxicodendron: Traumatic cataract; photophobia associated with profuse flow of yellowish pus; eye painful when turning it; old injured eye.

Secale cornutum: Cataract of incipient stage; senile cataract; cataract especially in old woman.

Sepia: Black spots in the field of vision; cataract with pulsating headache; pain in the eyes aggravates morning and evening.

Silicea: Cataract in office workers; aversion to light; especially daylight; light produces dazzling and sharp pains through eyes; pain in eyes worse when closed; vision confused and letters run together on read.

Sulphur: Burning ulceration of margins of lids with cataract; first stage of ulceration in the cornea From lower 6CH to higher potencies.

Thiosinaminum: cataract of old age; cataract of carcinogenic origin

Ultima editare efectuata de catre scarface in Sam Aug 23, 2014 11:23 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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Remedii pt. cataracta (engleza) Empty Re: Remedii pt. cataracta (engleza)

Mesaj  ileana radu Sam Aug 23, 2014 4:42 am

Ma gandesc serios sa incep un tratament cu cineraria maritima, numai ca in articol nu scrie cate picaturi se pun in ochi, ai vreo idee? Am cautat pe net remediul, dar este cam scump 44$, asa ca am sa il fac cu eticheta. Mai mi s-ar portivi si calcare fluorica si natrum muriaticum, acestea luate intern. Le pot lua pe toate trei intr-o zi? Si daca daca, dupa ce schema ?
Cam multe intrebari pentru o singura postare, dar chiar imi doresc sa evit operatia care ma paste la ochiul stang. Cataracta am facut-o de la medicamente.
ileana radu
ileana radu

Mesaje : 53
Data de inscriere : 12/07/2014
Varsta : 51

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