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Scanerele corporale din USA radiaza de 10 ori mai mult decat ar trebui

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Scanerele corporale din USA radiaza de 10 ori mai mult decat ar trebui Empty Scanerele corporale din USA radiaza de 10 ori mai mult decat ar trebui

Mesaj  scarface Mar Mar 22, 2011 11:45 pm


"Sa speram ca necazurile Japoniei vor inceta curand. Intre timp, daca vreti sa evitati iradierea cu radiatii ionizante, nu trebuie sa stati neaparat departe de Japonia, cat mai ales de Statele Unite. Multe dintre cele 247 de scanere corporale cu raze X instalate in 38 de aeroporturi americane, au fost gasite producand de zeci sau sute de ori dozele de radiatii pentru care fusesera initial reglate. Practic, americanii sunt exterminati metodic, sub egida guvernului lor, in numele luptei impotriva terorismului. Aparatele vor fi re-calibrate dupa ce scandalul a izbucnit, dar nu vor disparea. Calatorii doar vor muri de cancer mai incet, asta e tot."

Cineva a marit la toate aparatele doza de radiatie, caci o asa greseala la un aparat computerizat nu se poate
face din intamplare sau greseala dupa ce acestea au fost calibrate.
TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation

"The Transportation Security Administration announced Friday that it would retest every full-body X-ray scanner that emits ionizing radiation — 247 machines at 38 airports — after maintenance records on some of the devices showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected."

The TSA says that the records reflect math mistakes and that all the machines are safe. Indeed, even the highest readings listed on some of the records — the numbers that the TSA says were mistakes — appear to be many times less than what the agency says a person absorbs through one day of natural background radiation.

Even so, the TSA has ordered the new tests out of "an abundance of caution to reassure the public," spokesman Nicholas Kimball says. The tests will be finished by the end of the month, and the results will be released "as they are completed," the agency said on its website.

TSA officials have repeatedly assured the public and lawmakers that the machines have passed all inspections. The agency's review of maintenance reports, launched Dec. 10, came only after USA TODAY and lawmakers called for the release of the records late last year.

The agency posted reports Friday from 127 X-ray-emitting devices on its website and said it would continue to release results from maintenance tests for the approximately 4,500 X-ray devices at airports nationwide. Those devices include machines that examine checked luggage. Of the reports posted, about a third showed some sort of error, Kimball said.

The TSA announced steps to require its maintenance contractors to "retrain personnel involved in conducting and overseeing the radiation survey process."

Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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