Some homeopathic tips
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Some homeopathic tips
Un remediu pentru fara fara fara traspiratie este, pe langa Aconitum, Sulphur. Simptome tipice de Sulphur care pot fi prezente
insa nu trebuie neaparat pot fie: buze foarte rosii, aspect murdar al pielii, friguri care se urca pe sira spinarii in sus, miros de sulf,
valuri de caldura.
La toxinfectie alimentara cu febra, stare de rau, eventual si frisoane dar dar FARA diaree, deci ceva inca in stare de debut:
1. trebuie sa se provoace voma cu mijloace clasice sau cu remediul Odermennig CH9 sau Nux vomica CH9
2. dupa voma se da ceai de menta care incalzeste si racoreste in functie de necesitatea corpului
3. se da remediul facut din piatra de Onyx CH9, o piatra neagra, de mai multe ori , care scade febra eliminand cauza ei si curata corpul.
Si sucul sau tinctura de pelina negru sau remediul homeopat Artemisia vulgaris poate ajuta la curatirea sistemul digestiv dupa intoxicatii si mancaruri rele. Fara voma - cea mai efectiva masura, corpul va avea nevoie de diaree ca sa se scape de neplaceri.
Remediul general Arsenicum album pt. toxiinfectii alimentare - in general cauzate de carne sau peste stricat si fructe apoase merge in stadiul cand este diaree (de regula cam apoasa) sau diaree impreuna cu voma si pe urma urmata de slabiciune - in stadiul de mai sus Arsenicum nu se potriveste inca. Arsenicum usuca in general excesul de umezeala si mucoasele ca efect primar, si ca efect secundar anihileaza niste toxine, de aceea nu merge inca in stadiul asta.
Carbunele medicinal pus ca praf in apa calduta si baut a doua sau a treia zi - cam 2 grame - de 1-2 ori, dupa mese, la vreo 2 ore ajuta la eliminarea resturilor de toxine din tractul digestiv.
I would like to suggest that in sciaticas, especially with modalities of RHUS TOX., one keeps INDIUM in mind. I have had a lot of cases that did not respond where I thought RHUS TOX. was indicated. I cured a great many cases. I have cured more cases of sciatica with INDIUM than with any other remedy.
Dr. A.Dwight Smith, M.D.
IRIS VERSICOLOR seldom fails to relieve sick headache attended with vomiting of bilious matters. When the headache assumes the form of hemicrania of the right side, during the infantile cholera season, it was found of great value in quickly subduing diarrhoea attended with colic and rumbling of the bowels.
Dr Small
Phosphorus is useful in clearing up the vision after an iridectomy has been performed.
Adhered Placenta
Some women develop adhered placenta at each delivery. Hydrastis has the power to stop that by giving it in 3x, three drops daily from the fourth month onwards. Clinical Tips in Homoeopathy –Dr. P. Rajagopalarao
Hypericum in Laparatomy
Hypericum given at intervals of 20 minutes for 12 hours or longer seems to control the pain of laparatomy.
Clinical Tips in Homoeopathy –Dr. P. Rajagopalarao
Aphonia after drinking cold water
CROTON TIGLIUM has complete loss of voice from drinking cold water when overheated.
Dr. H.M.Edwards
Doryphora Decemlineata is indicated in urethritis in children under 10 years of age, when the trouble has been provoked by local irritation. In these cases, think also of HYOSCYAMUS. Dr. Farrington
Measles (Pojar)
Aconitum is the best remedy we have for the beginning of measles. If you find a case that you presume is going to be measles, with fever, restlessness, photophobia, coryza, sneezing and hard, croupy cough, you are justified in giving Aconite. Pulsatilla is not the remedy if there be any fever. When moisture breaks out with the fever, Belladonna is more likely to be the remedy. If a drowsy state and suffused face, you may give Gelsemium.
Atentie pojarul, ca si toate celelalte boli de copii cu erupti cutanate nu este o boala in sine ci doar o curatire necesara a organismului de duhuri rele manifestate fizic prin toxine. Aceasta curatire este pornita chiar de ingerii pazitori in momentul necesar.
Vaccinurile contra bolilor de copii suprima aceasta curatire sau o ingreuneaza.
Curatirea nu trebuie impiedicata.
HECLA LAVA is useful for the neuralgic pains after tooth extraction. The 30th potency works best. Dr. Hughes
Gelsemium: For the ill effects of Alcohol withdrawal causing convulsions. Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Aethiops Antimonalis. Herpetic eruptions on the skin, which are moist in nature.
Balsamum Peruvianum. Provides immense relief of itching and burning in cases of piles. Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Bellis Perennis: Indicated in cases of amenorrhoea due to sudden chill.
insa nu trebuie neaparat pot fie: buze foarte rosii, aspect murdar al pielii, friguri care se urca pe sira spinarii in sus, miros de sulf,
valuri de caldura.
La toxinfectie alimentara cu febra, stare de rau, eventual si frisoane dar dar FARA diaree, deci ceva inca in stare de debut:
1. trebuie sa se provoace voma cu mijloace clasice sau cu remediul Odermennig CH9 sau Nux vomica CH9
2. dupa voma se da ceai de menta care incalzeste si racoreste in functie de necesitatea corpului
3. se da remediul facut din piatra de Onyx CH9, o piatra neagra, de mai multe ori , care scade febra eliminand cauza ei si curata corpul.
Si sucul sau tinctura de pelina negru sau remediul homeopat Artemisia vulgaris poate ajuta la curatirea sistemul digestiv dupa intoxicatii si mancaruri rele. Fara voma - cea mai efectiva masura, corpul va avea nevoie de diaree ca sa se scape de neplaceri.
Remediul general Arsenicum album pt. toxiinfectii alimentare - in general cauzate de carne sau peste stricat si fructe apoase merge in stadiul cand este diaree (de regula cam apoasa) sau diaree impreuna cu voma si pe urma urmata de slabiciune - in stadiul de mai sus Arsenicum nu se potriveste inca. Arsenicum usuca in general excesul de umezeala si mucoasele ca efect primar, si ca efect secundar anihileaza niste toxine, de aceea nu merge inca in stadiul asta.
Carbunele medicinal pus ca praf in apa calduta si baut a doua sau a treia zi - cam 2 grame - de 1-2 ori, dupa mese, la vreo 2 ore ajuta la eliminarea resturilor de toxine din tractul digestiv.
I would like to suggest that in sciaticas, especially with modalities of RHUS TOX., one keeps INDIUM in mind. I have had a lot of cases that did not respond where I thought RHUS TOX. was indicated. I cured a great many cases. I have cured more cases of sciatica with INDIUM than with any other remedy.
Dr. A.Dwight Smith, M.D.
IRIS VERSICOLOR seldom fails to relieve sick headache attended with vomiting of bilious matters. When the headache assumes the form of hemicrania of the right side, during the infantile cholera season, it was found of great value in quickly subduing diarrhoea attended with colic and rumbling of the bowels.
Dr Small
Phosphorus is useful in clearing up the vision after an iridectomy has been performed.
Adhered Placenta
Some women develop adhered placenta at each delivery. Hydrastis has the power to stop that by giving it in 3x, three drops daily from the fourth month onwards. Clinical Tips in Homoeopathy –Dr. P. Rajagopalarao
Hypericum in Laparatomy
Hypericum given at intervals of 20 minutes for 12 hours or longer seems to control the pain of laparatomy.
Clinical Tips in Homoeopathy –Dr. P. Rajagopalarao
Aphonia after drinking cold water
CROTON TIGLIUM has complete loss of voice from drinking cold water when overheated.
Dr. H.M.Edwards
Doryphora Decemlineata is indicated in urethritis in children under 10 years of age, when the trouble has been provoked by local irritation. In these cases, think also of HYOSCYAMUS. Dr. Farrington
Measles (Pojar)
Aconitum is the best remedy we have for the beginning of measles. If you find a case that you presume is going to be measles, with fever, restlessness, photophobia, coryza, sneezing and hard, croupy cough, you are justified in giving Aconite. Pulsatilla is not the remedy if there be any fever. When moisture breaks out with the fever, Belladonna is more likely to be the remedy. If a drowsy state and suffused face, you may give Gelsemium.
Atentie pojarul, ca si toate celelalte boli de copii cu erupti cutanate nu este o boala in sine ci doar o curatire necesara a organismului de duhuri rele manifestate fizic prin toxine. Aceasta curatire este pornita chiar de ingerii pazitori in momentul necesar.
Vaccinurile contra bolilor de copii suprima aceasta curatire sau o ingreuneaza.
Curatirea nu trebuie impiedicata.
HECLA LAVA is useful for the neuralgic pains after tooth extraction. The 30th potency works best. Dr. Hughes
Gelsemium: For the ill effects of Alcohol withdrawal causing convulsions. Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Aethiops Antimonalis. Herpetic eruptions on the skin, which are moist in nature.
Balsamum Peruvianum. Provides immense relief of itching and burning in cases of piles. Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Bellis Perennis: Indicated in cases of amenorrhoea due to sudden chill.
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- Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009
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