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911 si lipsa cadavrelor

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911 si lipsa cadavrelor Empty 911 si lipsa cadavrelor

Mesaj  scarface Vin Apr 19, 2013 11:50 am

Dupa versiunea oficiala 2753 de oameni si-au pierduta viata in "atacul terorist" de la 11 septembrie.
O dovada mai clara decat folosirea de explozibil pentru detonarea celor doua cladiri care au cazut ca intr-o demolitie controlata
mai buna ca asta nu exista: din aceste 2753 de oameni, 1116 sunt de negasit, adica s-au pulverizat in bucati atat de mici incat nu poate fi indetificat nimic din ei. Iar din cei identificati pana acum - 1634 - au ramas bucatele foarte mici incat numai
cu o indentificare de DNA au putit si cat de cat identifificati.

Cum sa dispara 1116 de cadavre de la o prabusire ?
Multe oase au fost gasite la sute de metrii si chiar kilometrii de cladirile prabusite si anume si pe acoperisul cladirilor apropiate.
Cum sa sara corpurile oamenilor din interiorul cladirii sute de metri in sus in urma unei prabusiri ?

Din cauza ca corpurile au fost dezmembrate de explozii, multe familii au fost instiintate de mai multe ori ca s-au gasit corpurile rudelor lor.

“I know some families that have received calls five to seven times that their son or daughter has been identified,” said Dennis McKeon, executive director of the Great Kills-based Where To Turn.

A slide from the architects and engineers for 9/11 truth presentation presents these interesting statistics:
o 200 bone fragments belonged to one person
o 6,000 pieces were small enough o fit into a test tube
o and less than 300 of 2,749 WTC victims were found “intact” (the slide says 300, but many other sources say less)

Din 2753 de victime numai 300 de oameni au fost gasiti intregi.
Mai este nevoie de alte dovezi pentru explozii controlate si demolitie a la carte ?

Harta de mai jos arata unde au zburat bucatile din corpurile victimelor.
911 si lipsa cadavrelor 911-body-part-graphic-fox-news


New York City officials say a renewed search this year of debris in and around the World Trade Center site has recovered 72 human remains.

The sifting of more than 800 cubic yards of debris recovered from ground zero and underneath roads around the lower Manhattan site began in April and ended Friday.

The greatest number of remains – 37 – were found from material underneath West Street, a highway on the west side of ground zero. The new debris was uncovered as construction work made new parts of the site accessible.

This is not the first time 9/11 human remains have been found in the streets of New York years after the fact. In 2006 CBS reported this:

Construction workers near the World Trade Center discovered 74 more bone fragments on a damaged skyscraper slated to be torn down later this year, officials said Thursday

Most of the bone fragments discovered over the weekend were found mixed with gravel that had been raked to the sides of the roof of the former Deutsche Bank building, which suffered extensive damage when the twin towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

Earlier this year, workers in the building found four additional human body parts, and they found 10 additional bone fragments on the roof last fall. In the most recent discovery, workers retrieved 82 samples, 74 of which proved to be human remains that will undergo DNA testing, Borakove said.

Many of the 20,000 body parts found so far are from the same people - as mentioned in the same story as the above quote:

During the operations, some families have been notified several times when the remains of a loved one have been identified. It got to the point that the ME issued forms to the families asking if they wanted to be notified any more.


Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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