BURSA PASTORIS & FRAXINUS - afectiuni uterine, renale, uro-genitale
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BURSA PASTORIS & FRAXINUS - afectiuni uterine, renale, uro-genitale
THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS (traista ciobanului), este folosit de regula ca tinctura sau ca remediu homeopat in dilutii joase.
S-a dovedit un remediu extrem de eficient in principal la
- hemoragii
- sangareri cauzate de pietre la rinichi sau infectii la rinichi
- pentru eliminarea nisipului si a pietrelor de la rinichi unde are un efect incredibil. A fost folosit cu mare succes de Rademacher
- are un mare efect vindecator la uter, fiind considert de Dr. Burnett un remediu organic pt. uter si duce la
vindecarea secretiilor vaginale, a hemoragiilor uterine, a fibromului uterin.
Ajuta si la sterilitatea cauzata de afectiunile uterului, multe femei raman insarcinate dupa folosirea lui.
Pentru nisip si pietre la rinichi si afectiuni cauzate de acestea Rademacher dadea 30 de picaturi din tinctura in destula apa, luate de 5 ori pe zi. Ca remediu homeopat se folosesc de regula dilutii joase luate des (CH1, CH3, CH5), insa nu este nici un motiv de a nu folosii si dilutii mai inalte.
Sangarari uterine (Metroragie) de la fibroizi uterin; metroragie cu crampe si explulzie de cheaguri. Menstre prea frecvente si puternice. Hemoragie cu colici uterine puternice. Secretii vaginale inainte si dupa menstra; Durere in uter la ridicare. De abia se reface dupa o menstra ca incepe alta.
Efectele suprimarii bolilor uterine (Burnett)
Urinar: nevoia deasa de mictiune, urina grea, fosfatica. Cistita cronica. Dizurie si retentie spasmodica. Hematurie.
Acumulare de pietre si nisip lla rinichi. Colica renala. Sediment ca de praf de caramida. Uretrita. Aceste remediu
inlocuieste cateterul. Iritatii renale si vezicale. Albuminurie in timpul sarcinii.
Hemoragii renale, in special cauzate de calculi renali sau infectii renale.
In mod traditional aceasta planta este folosita ca ceai sau tinctura si la hipertensiune, Avand in vedere ca hipertensiunea este cauzata de rinichii blocati - si nu de arterii sau inima asa cum crede gresit medicina - curatind rinichii se va produce un efect benefic important la eliminearea cauzei hipertensiunii.
Traista ciobanului este des folosita de Maria Treben.
Cum se recunosc afectiunile necunoscute cu rinichii ? Fata sau/si ochi umflati.
Un alt remediu uterin este FRAXINUS AMERICANA
(Frasinul de Pennsylvania)
Este folosit ca tinctura sau dilutii homeopate joase
Afectiunie principale:
- uter marit. Fibrom uterin. Uter subdezvoltat sau prolaps uterin. Tumori uterine cu senzatie de greutete in uter.
Leucoree apoasa, neiritanta. Senzatie de uter greu care apasa in jos. Dureri menstruale. Afectiuni creeat de uter si aparute dupa menopauza.
Doza: 10-15 picaturi de tinctura in apa, de 3 ori pe zi.
Ca remediu homeopat se poate incerca in CH1 pana la CH3, de 3 ori pe zi cate o granula.
Rademacher folosea Fraxinus si la reumatism si guta.
Burnett: "And the organ remedies appropriate to the uterus-Helonias dioica and Fraxinus Americanus-quickly cured the hypertrophy of the organ. And in the case of organ remedies, small material doses act best,-indeed brilliantly; such remedies also need to be repeated at short intervals. "
Clarke:"Fraxinus has had a fragmentary proving, but the chief clinical authority for its use is Dr. Burnett, who regards it as a uterine tonic in all heavy states of the uterus with prolapse, bearing-down, and relaxed ligaments.
- He calls it "the medicinal pessary."
- I have repeatedly verified his indications.
- It is an organ-remedy of the first rank.
- It is also indicated in uterine tumours, especially fibroids, with bearing-down sensations.
Enlarged womb disturbing micturition, with severe vomiting
The mother of six children, 72 years of age, sister of Sir William X., came under my observation on November 18, 1890, for insomnia and vomiting. The region of the pylorus being tender had led to the diagnosis of cancer of the pylorus, which appeared fully supported by the patient's ' semi-cachectic appearance. There was also some dulness on percussion in the pyloric region, and cruel attacks of dyspepsia came on in the night.
There seemed little doubt as to the diagnosis, particularly as there was at times a very foul uterine discharge.
The womb was very large and anteverted, pressing on the bladder and causing much distress, as patient was often unable to pass water except in the erect position, the body being poised so as to take the pressure off the bladder. From my knowledge of the family constitution I was disposed to attribute most of the lady's symptoms to the bladder and uterus, which certainly were very distressingly to the fore; it seemed to me probable that the flatulence, fermentation, vomiting, and nocturnal attacks of vomiting might very well have their origin in the hypogastrium. This view of the sequence of the symptoms in the case was supported by patient's narration that she had formerly suffered much from leucorrhoea, and that a number of years after her change of life she had a bad discharge from the womb, and which was got rid of with the aid of vaginal injections.
I ordered Bursa pastoris, ø, 5 drops in water every four hours, and later on 6 drops night and morning only. Patient. was completely restored to health thereby, and no other remedy was needed or given. At first. sight such a thing seems next-door to impossible, but when we note that the Shepherd's Purse is a very splendid uterine remedy, we understand how it would be possible, which experience confirms.
This lady remained to my knowledge quite well for years,-indeed, I believe she is still alive. To this case I should have liked to append a few remarks on the suppression of whites by injections as a cause of disease, for this case was clearly of such an origin, but I must leave that for little further on. My choice of Bursa pastoris was because it is very apt to set up uterine discharge, and as I have before shown, it, is most certainly a uterine medicine. Moreover, it seemed to me, from patient's narration, that the nature of the case was gouty rather than cancerous. which the sequel has proved: there had been a gouty catarrh of the endometrium; this was refused outlet as leucorrhoea, and so it was reflected back on to the duodenal region. A brother of this lady, now turned 80 years of age, is my patient, and he is for years subject to urethrorrhoea. certainly of a gouty nature and autochthonous. Had it not been for this side-light, on the case, I should most certainly have accepted the more serious diagnosis of cancer of the pylorus.
The aid to a correct diagnosis of a given case afforded by a due regard to the organ, by itself and quoad the other organs, and to the organism, is very great; at times a correct diagnosis is, without such appreciation, impossible. Science is constantly adding to our knowledge of the hierarchy of the organs; thus some lately performed experiments by a French observer show that the spleen is of all organs of the body the most highly endowed with oxidizing power, next comes the liver, and in third place only the lungs. And with the increase in our knowledge come forth new physiological facts, showing that ench organ has a function all its own for the benefit of the organism. This is well seen in the case which follows, and purely from the clinical side. "
Enlarged uterus due to abortion
Lady X., well past 40 years of age, and not very long married, aborted at the end of 1891. The uterus was found very heavy, low lying, and soft and warm to the touch, and bleeding at times.
I began with Bellis perennis ø 10 drops in water three times a day. This was continued with much advantage for about three weeks, when Helonin 3x followed, and then Arn. mon. 3x.
In the fourth month of the treatment Thuja 30 was given; in the fifth month Arnica montana 1x; and during the last month Fraxinus Americanus ø, when Lady X. was discharged in splendid health and entirely normal in the uterine sphere.
Lady X. had received injections from her family doctor, and some of her trouble was due to said injections.
Intravaginal injections, in my judgement, are generally very harmful, the vagina is the natural cloaca of the female organism; it is self-cleansing from within outwards ' and from above downwards, and treatment in the contrary direction from without is irrational, all the recommendations of nearly all the doctors in the world notwithstanding.
Neurasthenia at the menopause
A maiden lady, forty-three years of age, came under my observation on January 19th, 1892, telling me of her painful nerves and flushes that have troubled her ever since she changed. She gets gouty swellings of the feet, and has whites. Is much given to sleeping draughts. The womb is somewhat large, the pain in the feet considerable depriving her of sleep. On condition that she abjures sleeping draughts once and for all, I undertake her case. This is an invariable condition with me, as it is quite impossible to really cure people who take hypnotics.
I gave Fraxinus americana q. Ten drops in water at bedtime.
March 3rd. - Has done her much good; womb is lighter, and she is better able to do her work. She sleeps now quite well without any sedative, a sure proof that the neurasthenia was here primarily a womb ailing.
Flushes no better; skin very irritable : costive.
R Tc. Urtica ur. q. Five drops in water night and morning.
March 31st – “The first bottle suited me better for nervousness; flushes much better; general health also.”
Followed a month of Fragaria vesca q, and then Fraxinus Americanus q, when patient had nothing further to complain of beyond her hard lot in life, for which latter I, however, know no healing herb.
Dr. J. C. Fahnestock, of Piqua, O., has made a proving of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris which confirms what Rademacher said years ago of this remedy, and Dudgeon's more recent experience with it. Prover No. 1 experienced an increase of urine from a normal of 25 oz. to from 35 to 38 ounces under 15 drop doses of the tincture every two hours. Prover No. 2, under the influence of 10 drop doses of the drug experienced an increase of 10 ounces of urine in twenty-four hours. As the effect of the drug passed off, the urine diminished, with red sediments, this being the last of the observed symptoms persisting for awhile after the other had passed off. Prover No. 3 under the influence of five drops of the ninth dilution experienced the increase of urine. On the discontinuance of the remedy, with the subsidence of the urine passed came red, sandy deposits. Among other marked symptoms experienced by these provers, was puffy or swollen eyes. The effect of Thlaspi seems to be that of flushing out the kidneys and bladder, taking along with it the uric acid, brick dust and sand that may be in them. Whether it will cure the conditions causing these formations is another matter. But after they are there and giving the patient trouble, there seems to be nothing better known in medicine to free the system of them. - (Homoeopathic Recorder).
Thlaspi bursae pastoris is a remedy suggested by passive, but copious bleeding. The blood is dark and coagulated and occasionally we find in the urine brick red sediment. Where these symptoms occur one has to think of bleeding caused by stones. This remedy also is given in potencies ranging from the 1st to the 6th centesimal.
If blood is arterial, think of Trillium and Ipecacuanha, and in some cases Millefolium; if it is venous, Hamamelis and Pulsatilla. If due to cystitis, Uva ursi Thlaspi bursa pastoris, as also Solidago and Senecio. If of renal cause with tenesmus, Terebinthina is a valuable remedy. In frequent haematuria we must think of bladder polypi, in which Teucrium, Thuja and Phosphorus work marvelously; or it may be due to neoplasm, which is always grave.
"This plant was held to be an anti-haemorrhagic medicine by the ancients. The superior wisdom of later physicians has pronounced it to have no such power, because it contains no astringent principle! (Carheuser's Mat. Med.) A second property attributed to it was that of stopping diarrhoea; a third, that of cutting short agues. I have lately used it repeatedly in chronic diarrhoea, when this is purely a primary affection of the bowels, with surprising benefit; but it is useless in consensual diarrhoea. I have not yet used it in ague, but would not dissuade others from trying it. But the most important remedial power of this common innocuous plant I learned from no medical author; the knowledge of it was actually forced upon me by the following case: I was called to see a poor woman from whom, eight or ten years before, I had brought away a large quantity of urinary sand by means of magnesia and cochineal, and thereby cured her. Now, the tiresome sand had again accumulated in the kidneys, and the patient was in a pitiable state. The abdominal cavity was full of water, the lower extremities swollen by oedema, and the urine of a bright red color, which formed, on standing, a sediment unmistakably of blood. I prescribed tincture of Bursa pastoris, 30 drops, 5 times a day, solely with the intention of stopping the haematuria as a preliminary; but imagine my astonishment when I found that the tincture caused a more copious discharge of renal sand than I had ever witnessed. Paracelsus's words occurred to me: 'A physician should overlook nothing; he should look down before him like a maiden, and he will find at his feet a more valuable treasure for all diseases than India, Egypt, Greece or Barbary can furnish.' I should certainly have been a careless fool had I, with this striking effect before me, changed to another medicine. I continued to give the tincture; I saw the urinary secretion increase with the copious discharge of sand; the water disappeared from the abdomen and extremities, and health was restored. I went on with the tincture until no more sand appeared in the urine, and I had every reason to suppose that the deposit of sand was completely removed. Since then I have used this remedy in so many cases with success that I can conscientiously recommend it to my colleagues as a most reliable remedy. Among these cases was one which appeared to me very striking. It was that of a woman, aged 30, who came to me for a complication of diseases. I examined the urine for sand, but found none. I gave her the tincture of Bursa pastoris, and a quantity of sand came away. On continuing the tincture much more sand came away, and her other morbid symptoms disappeared."
Observations of the older physicians on the curativeness of bursa pastoris
1. The Hippocrateans (I, 628, II, 667) used it only externally for syringing the uterus and for pessaries.
2. According to Plinius, mainly the seeds have been used, which acted warming, dissolving, purified the bile, promoted menstruation, killed the foetus, removed internal ulcerations and abscesses, and cured sciaticas. (Dioscorides de Materia Medica, II, 185.
3. Dodoens, 1578 (Dr. S. A. Jones in Hom. Recorder, 1891, p. 12), recommends its administration generally mixed with other substances, but in the following cases pure: Blood to staunch nose-bleeding, spitting blood, blood to stop, teethache, urine flux, earache, ulcers of ear, ears running, straightness of breath, strangury, venomous bitings, fevers, creeping and running sores, fistulas, erysipelas, swellings, indurations, shingles, new wounds, rheumatic affections.
4. Tabernaemontanus Kreuterbuch, 1613, Ffurt Tm. I, p. 528.
The juice of the fresh-crushed herb serves against haemoptysis, allays the red dysentery, all fluxes of the bowels, haematuria, the immoderate flooding of women, and, besides all internal injuries, also against spermatorrhoea. It is also curative in bites from poisonous animals. Externally applied against suppuration of the eyes by external injury. Put in the ulcerating ears, it dries it up and stops the running from the ears. It fastens the loose teeth. It heals the scalding of the throat from hot things. It cures jaundice. This herb in any form whatever is a haemostatic remedy, surpassing all other herbs by far. Tertiary intermittent is cured by putting the fresh herb upon the left radial artery. Serves against the gout in hands and feet, allaying the pains. Dissolves all the inflammations and swellings. It stays mortification. It heals inflammation of wounds and injuries.
Of the name of our Bursa pastoris, Tabernaemontanus writes: "Many learned men have taken the Teschleinkraut (Shepherd's purse) as a genus Thlaspios, which, for its equality with the Teschleinkraut, is called Teschleinkress. Since, however, our Teschleinkraut is without all taste and not sharp and rough as that of the Thlaspi (from the Greek thlaspis, a sort of cress eaten as mustard), they do not err a little, and the labor of introducing it is in vain. How this wholesome herb has been termed by the old teachers, or whether they have described it or not, nobody, so far, has thoroughly demonstrated. Thus, also, has not come to hand to us a description of the ancients, which can be compared with this plant, and therefore we shall thank God the Lord as the powers and virtues of this wonderful herb is known to us, and be content with the common name, 'bursa pastoris,' which it has in all languages alike."
5. Paracelsus (Opera omnia Genevae 1658, tractatus II, de Astronomia): "In bursa pastoria virtus inest sistendi sanguinem dysenteriae et menstrui. Jam vero idem virtus quoque inest, fluxus ventris concitandi, et sanguinem non sistendi, sed saepius etiam promovendi":
This rendered in English: "In bursa pastoris resides the virtue of staying the blood in dysentery and menstruation. However, there also resides in it the virtue of exciting the abdominal flux and of non-resisting the bleeding, but oftener also promoting it."
6. Blackwell, 1729, (Practice of Physick, London: I, plate 5.) "This plant is esteemed as cooling, restringent, incrassating, and good in all sorts of fluxes and spitting of blood, bleeding of ye nose; the too great flux of ye catamenia, violent floodings and bloody urine."
7. Zedler, 1744. (Universal Lexikon: Leipzig und Halle, Vol. XLI, p. 371.) "This herb cools, adstringes, stops and dries and has an especial power to stop the bleeding. Paracelsus, Paragran. alt. Tract 2: where it is praised in bleeding of the nose, spitting blood, red dysentery, spermatorrhoea, and leucorrhoea, bloody and abdominal fluxes. It is also a good herb for wounds, used internally and externally, prolonged flooding of the women, for jaundice and pains in the head, swelling of the throat; it strengthens the eyesight and dispels blisters in the eyes. It is useful in the miserere. It fastens the loose teeth, heals all the inflammatory affections of the throat, disperses the swelling of the female breasts, if they begin to turn red as if they would suppurate. It heals inflammation of the lungs and liver, dispels the eruption of the blood. It is good for retention of the urine, or red or bloody urine.
The sal bursae pastoris is a capital remedy to throw off the violent fever and pest. It is extremely good in internal and external complaints of the pest, against malignant, pestilential fevers, and many other pestilential fevers. It also cures the lues, since it has a mighty expelling power, purifies the blood, and drives away all bad humor. It draws out of the wounds the poison from bites of venomous animals, such as snakes, vipers, and cures them.
8. The New Edinburgh Dispensatory, translated by Hahnemann in 1797, mentions the Bursa pastoris as being inert, though many old physicians have praised it as a powerful remedy. Since nowhere in Hahnemann's writings anything in regard to this herb can be found, it is probable that the opinion translated by him was also his own.
9. Homoeopath. Real Lexicon, 1848 (Leipzig: Künzel, Vol. v, p. 672). "This herb is said to be astringent. The juice is recommended against haematuria and other haemorrhages, and is praised as an antiscorbutic, antipyretic, and diuretic remedy. The herb is given in scurvy, asthma humidum, hydrops, etc. The seeds promote the secretion of saliva. The fresh expressed herb serves in rheumatism and haemorrhoids. It has been efficacious in diseases of the chest, especially haemoptisis.
10. Schlechtendahl Encyclopaed. Woerterbuch der medic. Wissenschaften, 1845 (Berlin, 33 Bd., p. 524) Obsolete. Overestimated by the older authors as helpful in haemorrhages (the herb placed under the axilla in epistaxis) in diarrhoeas, dysenteries, and leucorrhoea.
11. General attention was drawn to Bursa pastoris lately, in 1848, by Rademacher (Rechtfertizung Berlin, etc., Vol. II, p. 761), so as to rehabilitate it in the Materia Medica after a most important experience. After enumerating the affections for which it had been used by the older physicians, he continues: "I was called to see a common woman, whom, 8 or 10 years ago, I had cured by driving off a large quantity of renal sand by magnesia and cochenille. Now the sand had accumulated again in the kidneys, and the patient had the abdominal cavity full of water, the lower extremities were oedematous, the urine of a bright-red color, which, on settling down, showed unmistakably a bloody deposit. I gave to this woman 30 drops of the tinctura herbae bursae pastoris 5 times a day, merely for the purpose of preventing a troublesome renal haemorrhage. But now, think of my astonishment, dear reader, when, after the use of this tincture, I observed such a copious discharge of renal sand as I never had seen before." With it disappeared the hydrops, and the patient got well. The inference which he draws from this fact is highly interesting. He thinks that the sand originates not in the pelvis renalis, but in the tubulis Bellini, or in still finer urinary vessels. And he conclues, further, that as this remedy does not act chemically upon the sand, and can not act mechanically upon these inorganic bodies, it follows, that it must act healing upon those fine vessels, so that the gradual removal of the sand is the direct consequence of the gradual healing of those fine vessels. Finally, he cannot escape the idea that this herb could perhaps also act healing upon other vessels of other organs which carry no red blood, and thus it would become an important agent in reducing engorgements, indurations, or infarctions of the organs.
12. Strumpf, 1855 (Arzneimittellehre; Berlin, Vol. II, p. 29). The older authors praised it against haemorrhages of all kinds, diarrhoeas, and dysenteries. It is used in Russia for intermittent fevers.
To these observations of the old school we must add a quotation from the excellent work of our own Boenninghausen. Aphorisms of Hippocrates, with glosses of a homoeopath (Leipzig Burfurst, 1863, book IV, Aphorism 60, p. 251): "Perhaps it merits a short mention that in bleeding generally, and especially in epistaxis, the juice of Thlaspi bursa pastoris is of exceedingly good result, even in the higher attenuations, in which can be not any question of an alleged astringent property. For this purpose it frequently is sufficient to rub a green leaf or a few seed-capsules in the hollow hand.
It is probable that the failure to explain the action of Bursa pastoris by its astringent property, which it does not possess, - at least, only in an indifferent degree, - made it obsolete: and it thus serves as another example that the efficaciousness of a medicine cannot be ascertained by a pathological speculation, but only by careful proving upon the healthy human body.
Mrs. S.-aet 56-Dull, phelgmatic temperament; comes with a second attack and the following symptoms.
Rusty leucorrhoea; stains indelibly, deep yellow.
Burning in hypogastrium, with stinging in left side thereof, extending into neck of bladder.
As of a foreign body in throat. Hollow sound left breast on coughing.
Puffed under eyes. Quinine causes nosebleed.
Much belching and flatulence. Worry prevents falling to sleep.
General bruised feeling thro' body. Ulcer on os uteri.
Medorrhinum, Pulex irritans, Silica, Viburnum and Bursa pastoris, (Avena, Mag-c.), all have leucorrhoea which stains indelibly. The symptoms fitted Bursa pastoris only, of which she received a single dose of the 7th, on the 7th of last December; by the 17th she felt much better, especially of the burning which was entirely gone by the 28th. By January 19th the burning and throat symptoms had reappeared and there was nightly urination. She now received a dose of the 20th in water night and morning for five days then Sacc Lac. By the 27th she felt herself very sick and sent for me, relating the following symptoms, which proved pure drug effects.
For several days a strong impulse to see how she could walk (like Flu-ac and Sepia). This is the direct opposite to her natural habit.
Large sharp needles seem to stick into the flesh all over the body.
As of something pushed into right ear.
Terrible general aching.
She now coughed up a large gristly polypus, evidently from the larynx, as the throat symptoms are gone as well as the pelvic symptoms, but she developed a dry cough on lying down, with aching under the left mamma (Cimi.).
The heart feels hard and sore, followed by throbbing in the back of neck.
Aching in the forehead, worse from coughing.
Attacks of nausea.
Aching in the stomach.
Craving for buttermilk.
Much general weakness.
Here are several very significant symptoms, especially in view of Burnet's observations that it suits the effects of suppressed uterine disease, especially ulcer. Most of these symptoms are new to this remedy. The general aching was first noted by Macfarlan. The ancient repute of Bursa pastoris in hemorrhage was verified indirectly only, altho' I have found it of the highest value in uterine hemorrhages, even when due to cancer, fibroids, etc., especially when accompanied by aching in the pelvis or small of the back or a general bruised soreness. Prescribed for metrorrhagia it always caused this general aching; the patient finally discharged a large mass which I did not have an opportunity to examine. Aching between the scapulae has often served to indicate it.
S-a dovedit un remediu extrem de eficient in principal la
- hemoragii
- sangareri cauzate de pietre la rinichi sau infectii la rinichi
- pentru eliminarea nisipului si a pietrelor de la rinichi unde are un efect incredibil. A fost folosit cu mare succes de Rademacher
- are un mare efect vindecator la uter, fiind considert de Dr. Burnett un remediu organic pt. uter si duce la
vindecarea secretiilor vaginale, a hemoragiilor uterine, a fibromului uterin.
Ajuta si la sterilitatea cauzata de afectiunile uterului, multe femei raman insarcinate dupa folosirea lui.
Pentru nisip si pietre la rinichi si afectiuni cauzate de acestea Rademacher dadea 30 de picaturi din tinctura in destula apa, luate de 5 ori pe zi. Ca remediu homeopat se folosesc de regula dilutii joase luate des (CH1, CH3, CH5), insa nu este nici un motiv de a nu folosii si dilutii mai inalte.
Sangarari uterine (Metroragie) de la fibroizi uterin; metroragie cu crampe si explulzie de cheaguri. Menstre prea frecvente si puternice. Hemoragie cu colici uterine puternice. Secretii vaginale inainte si dupa menstra; Durere in uter la ridicare. De abia se reface dupa o menstra ca incepe alta.
Efectele suprimarii bolilor uterine (Burnett)
Urinar: nevoia deasa de mictiune, urina grea, fosfatica. Cistita cronica. Dizurie si retentie spasmodica. Hematurie.
Acumulare de pietre si nisip lla rinichi. Colica renala. Sediment ca de praf de caramida. Uretrita. Aceste remediu
inlocuieste cateterul. Iritatii renale si vezicale. Albuminurie in timpul sarcinii.
Hemoragii renale, in special cauzate de calculi renali sau infectii renale.
In mod traditional aceasta planta este folosita ca ceai sau tinctura si la hipertensiune, Avand in vedere ca hipertensiunea este cauzata de rinichii blocati - si nu de arterii sau inima asa cum crede gresit medicina - curatind rinichii se va produce un efect benefic important la eliminearea cauzei hipertensiunii.
Traista ciobanului este des folosita de Maria Treben.
Cum se recunosc afectiunile necunoscute cu rinichii ? Fata sau/si ochi umflati.
Un alt remediu uterin este FRAXINUS AMERICANA
(Frasinul de Pennsylvania)
Este folosit ca tinctura sau dilutii homeopate joase
Afectiunie principale:
- uter marit. Fibrom uterin. Uter subdezvoltat sau prolaps uterin. Tumori uterine cu senzatie de greutete in uter.
Leucoree apoasa, neiritanta. Senzatie de uter greu care apasa in jos. Dureri menstruale. Afectiuni creeat de uter si aparute dupa menopauza.
Doza: 10-15 picaturi de tinctura in apa, de 3 ori pe zi.
Ca remediu homeopat se poate incerca in CH1 pana la CH3, de 3 ori pe zi cate o granula.
Rademacher folosea Fraxinus si la reumatism si guta.
Burnett: "And the organ remedies appropriate to the uterus-Helonias dioica and Fraxinus Americanus-quickly cured the hypertrophy of the organ. And in the case of organ remedies, small material doses act best,-indeed brilliantly; such remedies also need to be repeated at short intervals. "
Clarke:"Fraxinus has had a fragmentary proving, but the chief clinical authority for its use is Dr. Burnett, who regards it as a uterine tonic in all heavy states of the uterus with prolapse, bearing-down, and relaxed ligaments.
- He calls it "the medicinal pessary."
- I have repeatedly verified his indications.
- It is an organ-remedy of the first rank.
- It is also indicated in uterine tumours, especially fibroids, with bearing-down sensations.
Enlarged womb disturbing micturition, with severe vomiting
The mother of six children, 72 years of age, sister of Sir William X., came under my observation on November 18, 1890, for insomnia and vomiting. The region of the pylorus being tender had led to the diagnosis of cancer of the pylorus, which appeared fully supported by the patient's ' semi-cachectic appearance. There was also some dulness on percussion in the pyloric region, and cruel attacks of dyspepsia came on in the night.
There seemed little doubt as to the diagnosis, particularly as there was at times a very foul uterine discharge.
The womb was very large and anteverted, pressing on the bladder and causing much distress, as patient was often unable to pass water except in the erect position, the body being poised so as to take the pressure off the bladder. From my knowledge of the family constitution I was disposed to attribute most of the lady's symptoms to the bladder and uterus, which certainly were very distressingly to the fore; it seemed to me probable that the flatulence, fermentation, vomiting, and nocturnal attacks of vomiting might very well have their origin in the hypogastrium. This view of the sequence of the symptoms in the case was supported by patient's narration that she had formerly suffered much from leucorrhoea, and that a number of years after her change of life she had a bad discharge from the womb, and which was got rid of with the aid of vaginal injections.
I ordered Bursa pastoris, ø, 5 drops in water every four hours, and later on 6 drops night and morning only. Patient. was completely restored to health thereby, and no other remedy was needed or given. At first. sight such a thing seems next-door to impossible, but when we note that the Shepherd's Purse is a very splendid uterine remedy, we understand how it would be possible, which experience confirms.
This lady remained to my knowledge quite well for years,-indeed, I believe she is still alive. To this case I should have liked to append a few remarks on the suppression of whites by injections as a cause of disease, for this case was clearly of such an origin, but I must leave that for little further on. My choice of Bursa pastoris was because it is very apt to set up uterine discharge, and as I have before shown, it, is most certainly a uterine medicine. Moreover, it seemed to me, from patient's narration, that the nature of the case was gouty rather than cancerous. which the sequel has proved: there had been a gouty catarrh of the endometrium; this was refused outlet as leucorrhoea, and so it was reflected back on to the duodenal region. A brother of this lady, now turned 80 years of age, is my patient, and he is for years subject to urethrorrhoea. certainly of a gouty nature and autochthonous. Had it not been for this side-light, on the case, I should most certainly have accepted the more serious diagnosis of cancer of the pylorus.
The aid to a correct diagnosis of a given case afforded by a due regard to the organ, by itself and quoad the other organs, and to the organism, is very great; at times a correct diagnosis is, without such appreciation, impossible. Science is constantly adding to our knowledge of the hierarchy of the organs; thus some lately performed experiments by a French observer show that the spleen is of all organs of the body the most highly endowed with oxidizing power, next comes the liver, and in third place only the lungs. And with the increase in our knowledge come forth new physiological facts, showing that ench organ has a function all its own for the benefit of the organism. This is well seen in the case which follows, and purely from the clinical side. "
Enlarged uterus due to abortion
Lady X., well past 40 years of age, and not very long married, aborted at the end of 1891. The uterus was found very heavy, low lying, and soft and warm to the touch, and bleeding at times.
I began with Bellis perennis ø 10 drops in water three times a day. This was continued with much advantage for about three weeks, when Helonin 3x followed, and then Arn. mon. 3x.
In the fourth month of the treatment Thuja 30 was given; in the fifth month Arnica montana 1x; and during the last month Fraxinus Americanus ø, when Lady X. was discharged in splendid health and entirely normal in the uterine sphere.
Lady X. had received injections from her family doctor, and some of her trouble was due to said injections.
Intravaginal injections, in my judgement, are generally very harmful, the vagina is the natural cloaca of the female organism; it is self-cleansing from within outwards ' and from above downwards, and treatment in the contrary direction from without is irrational, all the recommendations of nearly all the doctors in the world notwithstanding.
Neurasthenia at the menopause
A maiden lady, forty-three years of age, came under my observation on January 19th, 1892, telling me of her painful nerves and flushes that have troubled her ever since she changed. She gets gouty swellings of the feet, and has whites. Is much given to sleeping draughts. The womb is somewhat large, the pain in the feet considerable depriving her of sleep. On condition that she abjures sleeping draughts once and for all, I undertake her case. This is an invariable condition with me, as it is quite impossible to really cure people who take hypnotics.
I gave Fraxinus americana q. Ten drops in water at bedtime.
March 3rd. - Has done her much good; womb is lighter, and she is better able to do her work. She sleeps now quite well without any sedative, a sure proof that the neurasthenia was here primarily a womb ailing.
Flushes no better; skin very irritable : costive.
R Tc. Urtica ur. q. Five drops in water night and morning.
March 31st – “The first bottle suited me better for nervousness; flushes much better; general health also.”
Followed a month of Fragaria vesca q, and then Fraxinus Americanus q, when patient had nothing further to complain of beyond her hard lot in life, for which latter I, however, know no healing herb.
Dr. J. C. Fahnestock, of Piqua, O., has made a proving of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris which confirms what Rademacher said years ago of this remedy, and Dudgeon's more recent experience with it. Prover No. 1 experienced an increase of urine from a normal of 25 oz. to from 35 to 38 ounces under 15 drop doses of the tincture every two hours. Prover No. 2, under the influence of 10 drop doses of the drug experienced an increase of 10 ounces of urine in twenty-four hours. As the effect of the drug passed off, the urine diminished, with red sediments, this being the last of the observed symptoms persisting for awhile after the other had passed off. Prover No. 3 under the influence of five drops of the ninth dilution experienced the increase of urine. On the discontinuance of the remedy, with the subsidence of the urine passed came red, sandy deposits. Among other marked symptoms experienced by these provers, was puffy or swollen eyes. The effect of Thlaspi seems to be that of flushing out the kidneys and bladder, taking along with it the uric acid, brick dust and sand that may be in them. Whether it will cure the conditions causing these formations is another matter. But after they are there and giving the patient trouble, there seems to be nothing better known in medicine to free the system of them. - (Homoeopathic Recorder).
Thlaspi bursae pastoris is a remedy suggested by passive, but copious bleeding. The blood is dark and coagulated and occasionally we find in the urine brick red sediment. Where these symptoms occur one has to think of bleeding caused by stones. This remedy also is given in potencies ranging from the 1st to the 6th centesimal.
If blood is arterial, think of Trillium and Ipecacuanha, and in some cases Millefolium; if it is venous, Hamamelis and Pulsatilla. If due to cystitis, Uva ursi Thlaspi bursa pastoris, as also Solidago and Senecio. If of renal cause with tenesmus, Terebinthina is a valuable remedy. In frequent haematuria we must think of bladder polypi, in which Teucrium, Thuja and Phosphorus work marvelously; or it may be due to neoplasm, which is always grave.
"This plant was held to be an anti-haemorrhagic medicine by the ancients. The superior wisdom of later physicians has pronounced it to have no such power, because it contains no astringent principle! (Carheuser's Mat. Med.) A second property attributed to it was that of stopping diarrhoea; a third, that of cutting short agues. I have lately used it repeatedly in chronic diarrhoea, when this is purely a primary affection of the bowels, with surprising benefit; but it is useless in consensual diarrhoea. I have not yet used it in ague, but would not dissuade others from trying it. But the most important remedial power of this common innocuous plant I learned from no medical author; the knowledge of it was actually forced upon me by the following case: I was called to see a poor woman from whom, eight or ten years before, I had brought away a large quantity of urinary sand by means of magnesia and cochineal, and thereby cured her. Now, the tiresome sand had again accumulated in the kidneys, and the patient was in a pitiable state. The abdominal cavity was full of water, the lower extremities swollen by oedema, and the urine of a bright red color, which formed, on standing, a sediment unmistakably of blood. I prescribed tincture of Bursa pastoris, 30 drops, 5 times a day, solely with the intention of stopping the haematuria as a preliminary; but imagine my astonishment when I found that the tincture caused a more copious discharge of renal sand than I had ever witnessed. Paracelsus's words occurred to me: 'A physician should overlook nothing; he should look down before him like a maiden, and he will find at his feet a more valuable treasure for all diseases than India, Egypt, Greece or Barbary can furnish.' I should certainly have been a careless fool had I, with this striking effect before me, changed to another medicine. I continued to give the tincture; I saw the urinary secretion increase with the copious discharge of sand; the water disappeared from the abdomen and extremities, and health was restored. I went on with the tincture until no more sand appeared in the urine, and I had every reason to suppose that the deposit of sand was completely removed. Since then I have used this remedy in so many cases with success that I can conscientiously recommend it to my colleagues as a most reliable remedy. Among these cases was one which appeared to me very striking. It was that of a woman, aged 30, who came to me for a complication of diseases. I examined the urine for sand, but found none. I gave her the tincture of Bursa pastoris, and a quantity of sand came away. On continuing the tincture much more sand came away, and her other morbid symptoms disappeared."
Observations of the older physicians on the curativeness of bursa pastoris
1. The Hippocrateans (I, 628, II, 667) used it only externally for syringing the uterus and for pessaries.
2. According to Plinius, mainly the seeds have been used, which acted warming, dissolving, purified the bile, promoted menstruation, killed the foetus, removed internal ulcerations and abscesses, and cured sciaticas. (Dioscorides de Materia Medica, II, 185.
3. Dodoens, 1578 (Dr. S. A. Jones in Hom. Recorder, 1891, p. 12), recommends its administration generally mixed with other substances, but in the following cases pure: Blood to staunch nose-bleeding, spitting blood, blood to stop, teethache, urine flux, earache, ulcers of ear, ears running, straightness of breath, strangury, venomous bitings, fevers, creeping and running sores, fistulas, erysipelas, swellings, indurations, shingles, new wounds, rheumatic affections.
4. Tabernaemontanus Kreuterbuch, 1613, Ffurt Tm. I, p. 528.
The juice of the fresh-crushed herb serves against haemoptysis, allays the red dysentery, all fluxes of the bowels, haematuria, the immoderate flooding of women, and, besides all internal injuries, also against spermatorrhoea. It is also curative in bites from poisonous animals. Externally applied against suppuration of the eyes by external injury. Put in the ulcerating ears, it dries it up and stops the running from the ears. It fastens the loose teeth. It heals the scalding of the throat from hot things. It cures jaundice. This herb in any form whatever is a haemostatic remedy, surpassing all other herbs by far. Tertiary intermittent is cured by putting the fresh herb upon the left radial artery. Serves against the gout in hands and feet, allaying the pains. Dissolves all the inflammations and swellings. It stays mortification. It heals inflammation of wounds and injuries.
Of the name of our Bursa pastoris, Tabernaemontanus writes: "Many learned men have taken the Teschleinkraut (Shepherd's purse) as a genus Thlaspios, which, for its equality with the Teschleinkraut, is called Teschleinkress. Since, however, our Teschleinkraut is without all taste and not sharp and rough as that of the Thlaspi (from the Greek thlaspis, a sort of cress eaten as mustard), they do not err a little, and the labor of introducing it is in vain. How this wholesome herb has been termed by the old teachers, or whether they have described it or not, nobody, so far, has thoroughly demonstrated. Thus, also, has not come to hand to us a description of the ancients, which can be compared with this plant, and therefore we shall thank God the Lord as the powers and virtues of this wonderful herb is known to us, and be content with the common name, 'bursa pastoris,' which it has in all languages alike."
5. Paracelsus (Opera omnia Genevae 1658, tractatus II, de Astronomia): "In bursa pastoria virtus inest sistendi sanguinem dysenteriae et menstrui. Jam vero idem virtus quoque inest, fluxus ventris concitandi, et sanguinem non sistendi, sed saepius etiam promovendi":
This rendered in English: "In bursa pastoris resides the virtue of staying the blood in dysentery and menstruation. However, there also resides in it the virtue of exciting the abdominal flux and of non-resisting the bleeding, but oftener also promoting it."
6. Blackwell, 1729, (Practice of Physick, London: I, plate 5.) "This plant is esteemed as cooling, restringent, incrassating, and good in all sorts of fluxes and spitting of blood, bleeding of ye nose; the too great flux of ye catamenia, violent floodings and bloody urine."
7. Zedler, 1744. (Universal Lexikon: Leipzig und Halle, Vol. XLI, p. 371.) "This herb cools, adstringes, stops and dries and has an especial power to stop the bleeding. Paracelsus, Paragran. alt. Tract 2: where it is praised in bleeding of the nose, spitting blood, red dysentery, spermatorrhoea, and leucorrhoea, bloody and abdominal fluxes. It is also a good herb for wounds, used internally and externally, prolonged flooding of the women, for jaundice and pains in the head, swelling of the throat; it strengthens the eyesight and dispels blisters in the eyes. It is useful in the miserere. It fastens the loose teeth, heals all the inflammatory affections of the throat, disperses the swelling of the female breasts, if they begin to turn red as if they would suppurate. It heals inflammation of the lungs and liver, dispels the eruption of the blood. It is good for retention of the urine, or red or bloody urine.
The sal bursae pastoris is a capital remedy to throw off the violent fever and pest. It is extremely good in internal and external complaints of the pest, against malignant, pestilential fevers, and many other pestilential fevers. It also cures the lues, since it has a mighty expelling power, purifies the blood, and drives away all bad humor. It draws out of the wounds the poison from bites of venomous animals, such as snakes, vipers, and cures them.
8. The New Edinburgh Dispensatory, translated by Hahnemann in 1797, mentions the Bursa pastoris as being inert, though many old physicians have praised it as a powerful remedy. Since nowhere in Hahnemann's writings anything in regard to this herb can be found, it is probable that the opinion translated by him was also his own.
9. Homoeopath. Real Lexicon, 1848 (Leipzig: Künzel, Vol. v, p. 672). "This herb is said to be astringent. The juice is recommended against haematuria and other haemorrhages, and is praised as an antiscorbutic, antipyretic, and diuretic remedy. The herb is given in scurvy, asthma humidum, hydrops, etc. The seeds promote the secretion of saliva. The fresh expressed herb serves in rheumatism and haemorrhoids. It has been efficacious in diseases of the chest, especially haemoptisis.
10. Schlechtendahl Encyclopaed. Woerterbuch der medic. Wissenschaften, 1845 (Berlin, 33 Bd., p. 524) Obsolete. Overestimated by the older authors as helpful in haemorrhages (the herb placed under the axilla in epistaxis) in diarrhoeas, dysenteries, and leucorrhoea.
11. General attention was drawn to Bursa pastoris lately, in 1848, by Rademacher (Rechtfertizung Berlin, etc., Vol. II, p. 761), so as to rehabilitate it in the Materia Medica after a most important experience. After enumerating the affections for which it had been used by the older physicians, he continues: "I was called to see a common woman, whom, 8 or 10 years ago, I had cured by driving off a large quantity of renal sand by magnesia and cochenille. Now the sand had accumulated again in the kidneys, and the patient had the abdominal cavity full of water, the lower extremities were oedematous, the urine of a bright-red color, which, on settling down, showed unmistakably a bloody deposit. I gave to this woman 30 drops of the tinctura herbae bursae pastoris 5 times a day, merely for the purpose of preventing a troublesome renal haemorrhage. But now, think of my astonishment, dear reader, when, after the use of this tincture, I observed such a copious discharge of renal sand as I never had seen before." With it disappeared the hydrops, and the patient got well. The inference which he draws from this fact is highly interesting. He thinks that the sand originates not in the pelvis renalis, but in the tubulis Bellini, or in still finer urinary vessels. And he conclues, further, that as this remedy does not act chemically upon the sand, and can not act mechanically upon these inorganic bodies, it follows, that it must act healing upon those fine vessels, so that the gradual removal of the sand is the direct consequence of the gradual healing of those fine vessels. Finally, he cannot escape the idea that this herb could perhaps also act healing upon other vessels of other organs which carry no red blood, and thus it would become an important agent in reducing engorgements, indurations, or infarctions of the organs.
12. Strumpf, 1855 (Arzneimittellehre; Berlin, Vol. II, p. 29). The older authors praised it against haemorrhages of all kinds, diarrhoeas, and dysenteries. It is used in Russia for intermittent fevers.
To these observations of the old school we must add a quotation from the excellent work of our own Boenninghausen. Aphorisms of Hippocrates, with glosses of a homoeopath (Leipzig Burfurst, 1863, book IV, Aphorism 60, p. 251): "Perhaps it merits a short mention that in bleeding generally, and especially in epistaxis, the juice of Thlaspi bursa pastoris is of exceedingly good result, even in the higher attenuations, in which can be not any question of an alleged astringent property. For this purpose it frequently is sufficient to rub a green leaf or a few seed-capsules in the hollow hand.
It is probable that the failure to explain the action of Bursa pastoris by its astringent property, which it does not possess, - at least, only in an indifferent degree, - made it obsolete: and it thus serves as another example that the efficaciousness of a medicine cannot be ascertained by a pathological speculation, but only by careful proving upon the healthy human body.
Mrs. S.-aet 56-Dull, phelgmatic temperament; comes with a second attack and the following symptoms.
Rusty leucorrhoea; stains indelibly, deep yellow.
Burning in hypogastrium, with stinging in left side thereof, extending into neck of bladder.
As of a foreign body in throat. Hollow sound left breast on coughing.
Puffed under eyes. Quinine causes nosebleed.
Much belching and flatulence. Worry prevents falling to sleep.
General bruised feeling thro' body. Ulcer on os uteri.
Medorrhinum, Pulex irritans, Silica, Viburnum and Bursa pastoris, (Avena, Mag-c.), all have leucorrhoea which stains indelibly. The symptoms fitted Bursa pastoris only, of which she received a single dose of the 7th, on the 7th of last December; by the 17th she felt much better, especially of the burning which was entirely gone by the 28th. By January 19th the burning and throat symptoms had reappeared and there was nightly urination. She now received a dose of the 20th in water night and morning for five days then Sacc Lac. By the 27th she felt herself very sick and sent for me, relating the following symptoms, which proved pure drug effects.
For several days a strong impulse to see how she could walk (like Flu-ac and Sepia). This is the direct opposite to her natural habit.
Large sharp needles seem to stick into the flesh all over the body.
As of something pushed into right ear.
Terrible general aching.
She now coughed up a large gristly polypus, evidently from the larynx, as the throat symptoms are gone as well as the pelvic symptoms, but she developed a dry cough on lying down, with aching under the left mamma (Cimi.).
The heart feels hard and sore, followed by throbbing in the back of neck.
Aching in the forehead, worse from coughing.
Attacks of nausea.
Aching in the stomach.
Craving for buttermilk.
Much general weakness.
Here are several very significant symptoms, especially in view of Burnet's observations that it suits the effects of suppressed uterine disease, especially ulcer. Most of these symptoms are new to this remedy. The general aching was first noted by Macfarlan. The ancient repute of Bursa pastoris in hemorrhage was verified indirectly only, altho' I have found it of the highest value in uterine hemorrhages, even when due to cancer, fibroids, etc., especially when accompanied by aching in the pelvis or small of the back or a general bruised soreness. Prescribed for metrorrhagia it always caused this general aching; the patient finally discharged a large mass which I did not have an opportunity to examine. Aching between the scapulae has often served to indicate it.
scarface- Admin
- Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009
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