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Cateva remedii pt. tuberculoza acuta in homeopatie (engl.)

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Cateva remedii pt.  tuberculoza acuta in homeopatie (engl.) Empty Cateva remedii pt. tuberculoza acuta in homeopatie (engl.)

Mesaj  scarface Mar Iul 26, 2011 1:46 pm

Pulmonary tuberculosis
(tubercular lungs which begin to decay)

Arsenicum album
When emaciation is rapid; cold sweat, restlessness and anxiety are present, Ars. a. responds well in tubercular condition.

Arsenicum iodatum
3x (twice or thrice after meals)
I agree with what Carter Williams, Boericke, Clarke and Allen have said about the efficacy of Ars. iod. in pulmonary tuberculosis.
The leading symptoms, having been summed up are, profound prostration, advanced stage night sweat, hectic fever, dyspnoea, purulent expectoration, pain and cavity in the lungs. In short, it cheeks fever, diminishes cough, keeps up strength and increase appetite, such are its virtues.

Bacillinum burnett (Similar cu remediul Tuberculinum)
200 or 30
It is an intercurrent remedy to pave path for other remedies to come in and do well, such changes it brings in patients who have a personal or family history of lung-affections.
Sometimes in non-tubercular diseases, like bronchitis with rattling in chest, it may be chronic, it has most favourable result.

Baptisia tinctoria
ø 30
Dr. Cowperthwaite and Dr. Hering have recommended it for reducing temperature in later stages, the chills starting at 10 A.M. or 3 P.M. , high fever and drowsiness.
Note :
I bear witness to its success, having used Bapt. in 30th potency 4 times daily in alternation with other remedies, covering other symptoms.

Calcarea carbonica
Calc. C and Lyco are the remedies to be thought of as preventives in tuberculosis. Dr. Farrington used it in case of right lung about its middle third affected, forming large cavities in later stages.
I have used it in 3 dozes of the 30th potency daily with favourable results, removing profuse sweats of the head, bringing sleep and vitalising the system.
Note :
1. Guaicum often relieves expectoration of extreme offensiveness.
2. Kali bic. Alleviates morning cough with sticky and stringy expectoration.
3. Kali C. relieves when cough is agg at 2-3 A.M.
4. When cough is croupy, agg morning, Hep. sul. is the remedy.
Lycopodium clavatum
It is extremely useful in threatening phthisis after pneumonia, the symptoms being, loss of appetite, evening aggravation, purulent sputum and flatulence.

Sanguinaria canadensis
When lungs turn tubercular after pneumonia, flushed face with feeling heat, burning soreness in right side of chest, cough with offensive expectoration, are present, Sang. is helpful.

Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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