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Biogenic amines from food may trigger allergies

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Biogenic amines from food may trigger allergies Empty Biogenic amines from food may trigger allergies

Mesaj  scarface Joi Dec 02, 2010 7:18 am

Biogenic Amines and Histamine Intolerance

When thinking about how food sensitivities and/or intolerances may be affecting our health, something that is often overlooked is the role that biogenic amines may be playing.

What are Biogenic Amines?

Biogenic amines are a group of chemicals derived from amino acids (and therefore protein-containing foods) that have a number of functions and effects within the body, some desirable, and some not. The most well known biogenic amines are the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, and histamine, best known for its role in allergies. Others, which are less well known, include tyramine, tryptamine, and phenylethylamine.

These biogenic amines may act as neurotransmitters, be involved in local immune responses (such as the inflammation produced by histamine release), or regulate functions of the gut.

The classic neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline are all essential to proper brain function. Imbalances causes problems such as depression and anxiety.

In relation to food intolerances however, we are more concerned with the biogenic amines contained in foods and beverages that can cause local symptoms in the gut includig nausea, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as triggering symptoms elsewhere in the body, such as migraines, asthma, and hives.

Dietary Sources of Biogenic Amines

Biogenic amines are present in both plant and animal foods. They are produced when certain bacteria metabolise specific amino acids in food and beverages. For example, bacteria of the enterobacteriaceae group (e.g. E.coli, klebsiella, proteus, salmonella) breakdown the amino acid histidine, to form histamine.

Major sources of biogenic amines in the diet include:

- Aged Cheese
- Fermented/Pickled Foods (sauerkraut, soy sauce, fish sauce, miso, tofu)
- Processed, Cured and Pickled Meats
- Red Wine

Other foods and drinks that either contain biogenic amines or increase levels in the gut include:

- Fruits (avocado, citrus fruit, grapes, papaya, pineapples, plums, strawberries)
- Vegetables (aubergine/eggplant, spinach)
- Nuts (peanuts, coconuts, Brazil nuts)
- Dried Fruit (raisins, figs)
- Fish (particularly tuna and mackerel)
- Drinks (beer, chianti, vermouth)
- Chocolate

Health Problems Associated with Biogenic Amines

The dietary biogenic amines that appear to trigger symptoms in some people are histamine, tyramine, and phenylethylamine.

Histamine - It is now estimated that up to 5% of the adult population suffer from hitamine intolerance (HIT), making it a major cause of food intolerance. HIT can cause digestive upsets including chronic diarrhoea or constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, and nausea. It may also causes systemic symptoms such as migraines, low blood pressure (hypotension), and palpitations. Finally, as you may expect, HIT can trigger allergic conditions including hayfever, eczema, asthma, and hives.

Tyramine - Has a strong association with migraine, high blood pressure (hypertension), depression, and Parkinson's disease. Tyramine is a major problem for people taking MAOI antidepressant drugs as they block its breakdown which can result in dangerously high blood pressure.

Phenylethylamine - Connected to migraine headaches, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia.

Dirk Budka, an expert on biogenic amine intolerances, believes that 40% of those suffering from IBS can be helped by addressing such intolerances. He also states that they are an important underlying factor in allergic conditions such as hayfever, eczema, and asthma, but are not considered by many healthcare practitioners (both from conventional and alternative/complementary medicine backgrounds).

Acest articol spune ca excesul de amine din alimente duce la alergii sau la agravarea lor.
Principalele amine sunt histamina, tiramina si feniletilamina.

Histamina se gaseste in capsuni si crustacee si acestea sunt cunoscute ca alergeni puternici. Histamina se gaseste si in urzici. Histamina este de fapt si un neurostransmiter si are de a face si cu ritmul de veghe si somn.
Histamina este produsa de organism insa ea trebuie sa fie si dezintegrata si eliminata atunci cand provine din afara.
Dezintegrarea histaminei in organism se face cu ajutorul la diaminoxidaza, o enzima. Atunci cand aceasta lipseste apar problemele cu histamina.

In sistemul nervos inactivarea histaminei se face cu enzima Histamin-N-Methyltransferase, in periferie
prin monoaminooxidaza, diaminoxidaza und aldehydoxidaza

Diaminoxidaza (DAO) este o enzima care contine cupru si care este in stare sa dezintegreze histamin si alte amine biogene.
Enzima aceasta este produsa in intestine si rinichi.
O lipsa a DAO poate duce la intoleranta la histamina asa cum este intalnita la multi oameni care au alergie
la alimentele care contin multa histamina (nuci, crustacee, capsuni)
Probabil ca lipsa acestei enzime a fost provocata de deteriorarea floeri intestinale sau a rinichilor.

Diaminoxidaza produsa din extract de rinichi de porci este oferita sub forma de pastile de catva producatori.
Aceste pastile se numesc "Daosin" si rapoartele pacientilor din forumuri arata ca ele au intradevar un efect insa
efectul nu este de durata. Avand in vedere ca substanta din pastile nu poate ajunge in intregime in sange si la locul
necesar nu este de mirare.

Insa este interesant de stiut cauza acestor alergii. Cine stie, poate se poate face un remediu homeopat "Diaminoxidase" care sa ajute energetic la marirea productiei de DAO in organism. Acest remediu homeopat vad ca nu exista inca. (Se poate insa produce cu metoda cu eticheta).
Histamina sub forma homeopata duce si ea dupa cate stiu la reducerea histaminei din organsim.


Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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