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Remediu pentru limbrici si polipi

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Remediu pentru limbrici si polipi Empty Remediu pentru limbrici si polipi

Mesaj  scarface Mar Noi 30, 2010 12:16 pm


de Dr. E. B. NASH

"Am gasit ca acest remediu este unul din cele mai bune pentru limbrici. Am vindecat multe cazuri in care s-a "incercat aproape tot" fara succes. Am remarcat ca cei care au limbrici se freaca si se ating des la nasa (copii cu limbrici au acest simptom)

Si mai este de mentionat ca Teucrium este unul din cele mai bune remedii pentru polipii nazali si ii va vindeca fara sa mai reapara vreodata. Am o preparatie a unui remediu facut in dilutia 50M cu o masina Santee de dinamizat, si care este cea mai buna preparatie pe care am folosit-o."

Alte simptome legate de limbrici: Mancarime in anus, seara in pat. Apetit nenatural, care impiedica somnul.



Generalities :
An excited, tremulous feeling over the whole body.
General exhaustion about noon.
Longing for motion in the open air, which does not fatigue him, but seems to do him good.

Head :
Painful pressure in the right temple, alternating with the same in right frontal eminence, and in left temple.
Frontal headache, < stooping.

Ears :
Earache, with shooting pain.

Nose :
Right nostril partly stopped, with sneezing and bleeding of the nose, without relief.
Shooting tearing high up the nose.
Crawling in the nostrils, with lachrymation, sneezing, etc.
Clinical :
Nasal polypus.

Mouth :
Tearing in the roots of the lower incisors and in the gums.
Biting on the sides of the tongue.

Throat :
Biting ; scraping in the fauces and root of the tongue.

Stomach :
Unnatural appetite, which even prevents sleep.
Hiccough on eating.
Eructations of food, with a bitter taste.
Anxious oppression in the pit of the stomach.

Abdomen :
Flatulent symptoms ; particularly cutting pains after drinking.

Rectum and Stool :
Incessant itching and crawling in the anus, in the evening in bed.

Clinical :
Ascarides, with above symptoms, aggravated at night in the warmth of the bed.

Urinary organs :
Increased flow of watery urine.

Extremities :
Rheumatic tearing pains in the arms and legs, particularly in the bones and joints.
Cutting pains transversely through the muscles of the forearm.
Pain in the toenails as if they had grown into the flesh

Mesaje : 6650
Data de inscriere : 19/11/2009

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